


Program in May 2010

Program of the Foundation “Voorthuizen Liberation 1945” for a contribution to the memorial services and festivities in Voorthuizen, Barneveld and Kootwijkerbroek

from 1 to 8 May 2010. (concept 20100415)


Overview of the program


Sat. 1/5

* From 10 am till 5 pm: Ride the route of the tanks by bicycle.


Mon. 3/5

* 9 am: Opening of expositions by mayor Houben in Restaurant Buitenlust.

* 10 am: Opening presentations in the Calvinistic Church by mayor Houben.

* From 1 pm till 5 pm: Ride the route of the tanks by bicycle.


Tue. 4/5

* From 10 am till 5 pm: Expositions in and outside Restaurant Buitenlust.

* 10 am: Presentations in the Calvinistic Church (church hall opens at 9:45 am)

* From 1 pm till 5 pm: Ride the route of the tanks by bicycle.

* 7:30 pm: Contribution to the program of Oranje-committee Kootwijkerbroek.


Note: during these three days there will be only Ride the route of the tanks rides per bicycle, in view of the safety of the participants on the small country roads.


Wed. 5/5

* From 10 am till 5 pm: Expositions in and outside Restaurant Buitenlust.

* 10 am: Presentations in the Calvinistical Church (church hall opens at 9:45 am)

* 12:30 pm: Opening of Ride the route of the tanks in Restaurant Buitenlust.

* From 1 pm till 5 pm: Ride the route of the tanks in motorized vehicles.

* 1 pm: Contribution to the program of Oranje-committee Barneveld, including a

parade and ceremony with lighting the liberation flame on the Raadhuisplein in Barneveld.


Thu. 6/5

* From 10 am till 5 pm: Expositions in and outside Restaurant Buitenlust.

* 10 am: Presentations in the Calvinistic Church (church hall opens at 9:45 am)

* From 1 pm till 5 pm: Ride the route of the tanks in motorized vehicles.

* 7:30 pm: Contribution to the program of Oranje-committee Barneveld.


Fri. 7/5

* From 10 am till 5 pm: Expositions in and outside Restaurant Buitenlust.

* 10 am: Presentations in the Calvinistic Church (church hall opens at 9:45 am)

* From 1 pm till 5 pm: Ride the route of the tanks in motorized vehicles.


Sat. 8/5

* From 10 am till 3 pm: Expositions in and outside Restaurant Buitenlust.

* 10 am: Presentations in the Calvinistic Church (church hall opens at 9:45 am)

* From 10 am till 3 pm: Ride the route of the tanks in motorized vehicles.


Note: the Ride the route of the tanks rides will start at Restaurant Buitenlust en will include historic military vehicles, motor bikes and cars. Veterans and sponsors of the event will be given priority for a ride in the historic military vehicles.


The ride can go along one of the short routes or several shorter routes can be combined. When on the route of the tanks we aim to follow the direction similar to the tanks of the Canadian army in 1945.



Foundation Voorthuizen Liberation1945


The foundation is registered with Chamber of Commerce no. 08222906.

Aim of the foundation: Supply a contribution to the commemoration of the liberation of Voorthuizen from the German occupation in the Second World War and to the according festivities.

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